Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Step inside my Office

It's wild what can happen in a year! I started this blog a year ago tomorrow and it's really cool to watch how my thoughts have been throughout the time!

I sit here in my dormroom, and I'm drawing comparisons from it to my life. My desk, My workplace, is covered in clutter from a few bouts of lots of use, and lots of time of no use. I of course spend no time cleaning my Workplace unless there is Someone coming in such as Mom, or the girls for Open House.

My Bed is not made, and it doesn't even have pillows since i forgot them back home. I have only a (QT) Towel to rest my head on. The bolster behind it is where I keep the Items i wish i used more often, but hardly do: Some school books, sunflower seeds, batteries for my guitar pedal, and my "g-pa" hat. The only items on the bolster that see frequent use are my printer and my Dream Journal. Hidden away inside the Bolster is all my foodstuffs and my RPG "secrets".

My shelving has many books on it, most of whish i have either never cracked, or read and then discarded them to thier eternity on the shelf. Little used Supplies and Items rest on the highest shelves, with Awards from forgotten times in High School Line the Front. Sticky notes filled with Short-term motivatation from weeks long gone hang on the shelving.

My floor of course has a few pieces of Dirty Laundry, along with Items used recently that were not put away. My Trashcan would be full had I not emptied it yesterday, and my hamper sits abandoned outside of the closet, its home of the past.

The closet itself is nearly barren. There are empty hangers, a stained shleving, and my work clothes for IHOP. There are also testaments to my Lethargy: Unfolded clothes, an air mattress i borrowed from my aunt this summer, and a cup full of money to give to the business office for school.

Then of course, across the invisible chasm of silence, sits Nick, my roomate. I have lived with this man all semester. I've met his closest friends, and he's met mine. And yet, we've had probobly less than 10 conversations this entire year, most of them involving questions like, "you want a drink?" "can u grab the trash?", or "can I turn out the light?". A man with his own life, his own story, his own part of the grand history of Grace... And I don't know him. Of EVERYBODY on this campus, I should know him. but he's a stranger to me.

Things are gonna be different, starting today. Alot of other things are too.

They Have Too.

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