Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A Walk in the Park

My walk with God has many elements.

My Favorite parts are of course the easy parts. I enjoy the walks through the beautiful Gardens, seeing old friends along the path, and thanking Jesus for the beauty he has created. Of course I enjoy these times, for they are easy and fun. However, I don't usually grow much in these times.

Other times I'm motivated. I turn around and ask Jesus to pick up the pace. I take life 2 steps at a time. I see loved ones and rush on by them because I'm "too busy". Then I turn around and see Jesus standing next to them, waiting for me to come minister to them. I usually just keep plodding figuring Jesus will eventually catch up.

And sometimes, my walk is in the rain, uphill, with a mudslide coming. Every step I take I feel my calves stretching, no, burning. My entire body aches with emotional pain, which I turn causes physical pain. I call, I yell, I SCREAM for Jesus to come save me. To bad he just hasn't caught up yet.

I think the most important parts are when Jesus and I find a good sized rock or a couple medium sized ones, and just sit down and camp out. We sit and we talk about the walk so far. Sometimes he imparts knowledge of the road ahead, but most of the time he just says "stay behind me". People always want to come in and sit down and join us, but if they do, I always miss having one-on-one time with Jesus. These moments seem few and far between, and yet, I'm the one who chooses when we take a break.

I hate that I can sit here and realize all this in front of my computer. On paper, I look really spiritual. I can articulate words, theorize about the trinity, and talk about dreams and passions of mine of advancing the kingdom. It doesn't matter. I'm just as much fallen as the Axe-murder and the Serial Rapist, and the Political Bigot. The only difference is that I've accepted Jesus blood. God looks at me and Sees a beautiful, righteous, child of his.

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