Thursday, August 14, 2008


Latley i've been thinking alot...i've just been too "energy efficient" to blog about it.

The Main thing that has dominated my thinking is a particular desire of mine. There's nothing wrong with it, except I told God that he came first. If i missed out on this desire of mine in order to serve God, so be it. Maybe he'd give it too me later, or maybe never at all...The point is, i surrendered it to God...

...In Words...

Yesterday, when we Baptized Art, I was thinking about my own focus on God. I've seen Art pour himself into the scripture's. He's read more of his bible in the past 2 weeks than i have in this whole year! I'm so excited for art, for his eagerness, his hunger, his...passion!

...Then I wonder where mine is. Me, the "Mature" Christian...

I'm Sorry God. I put up an Idol before you. I'm going to tear it down. Help me no longer make sacrifices to it, but only to you. For you are the Living God, and only you are worthy of my praise. I need your help, but i know that together, we can make it!

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