Friday, March 21, 2008

Good Friday?

I've always found it odd that "Good" Friday is the day that Jesus died. What was good about that? the worst atrocity ever commited by the human race, and it's Good?

I watched the Passion again at the lock-in on wensday night. the scene with Jesus and the 2 robbers stuck with me. One man sneers at Jesus "failure" to prove himself as the Son of God. The other robber defends Jesus saying, "our punishment is just, but he is innocent. Lord you would be right in condemning me, but I ask that you remember me when u return to your kingdom." Jesus, of course responds, "Surely this day you will be with me in paradise."

Jesus was there, dieing the death of a criminal...because he was. and because he was, i'm not. nor are you. nor is anyone who believes that Jesus was the Son of God. God willingly came and died 1972 years ago today in order that we might "be with him in paradise".

And that, friends, is why today is Good Friday.

Praise God!

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