Since i write a Review of Twilight, I Figured I might as weel do the new Bond: Quantum of Solace.
The movie was Full of Action in the typical Bond sense, and had many scenes including a car chase, several gunfights, and even a rooftop chase. While havig a Decent plot and plenty of Action, the Movie moved very fast and very slow at times. during the action scenes, the camera changes every second most of the time and the viewer gets lost in the panorama of stimili. During other scenes, the movies seems to advance so slowly that the movie becomes almost uninteresting.
As a Bond fan, i was very disappointed with this bond. His "sense of Style" and Suave seems lost in this movie. He wears a suit for less than half the movie, and hardly ever carries the signature "playboy" air about him. While he still manages to Bed one woman in the Film, he is seen less as a womanizer and more as a person in this film. However, You should Re-watch Casin Royale before you watch this one or you'll be lost on some of the plot elements.
In Short, The movie Was overall very well, but confusing at points. I give it an 8 out of 10
8 years ago
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