Monday, November 3, 2008


Life is ever-changing. One day your involved in normal life, the next your struck by a debilitating disease. One minute your participating in class, the next you wake up from passing out in that class. One second, your laughing and carrying on with your friends, the next you find out that the 2 most important people in your life are probobly going to die. A morning, a phone call, a moment, and life is forever changed. It brings a new perspective to everything. What would you do if any given person around you died tonight. What would you do?

Someone told me today they didn't know how much evil was in the world till they came to bible college. Isn't that wierd, since we share our pains, our fears, our burdens? We share life with each other. We Love one another. On secular campuses, they have a "mind your own business" additude, but here, we are a community. We have found that there are benifits to sharing our burdens that are not only desirable...

...They are Nessesary.

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