Have you ever thought about how underrated our sense of smell is? according to science, the sense of smell is most closely associated with our memory banks, so smells bring back memories faster than any other sense, although eyesight holds a close second.
Yesterday and today have proved this for me. Yesterday, one of my neibors was mowing his lawn, and another was burning brush. today, i got to smell the aftermath of a spring-time thunderstorm. all of these smells remind me of Summer camp, without fail. Specificlly of the summer camp during which I committed my life to Full-time Ministry for the Lord.
That week was full of ups and downs for me as I made several new friends, caught up with old ones, and even broke up with a girl. But i can remember the humidity, the taste of my tears mixed with sweat, the tug in my stomach forcing me to stand and raise my hand, even though it seemed like every part of me fought against that action. I've told many of you that i was dragged kicking and screaming into the ministry. That's almost true in the sense that i honestly didn't want to stand, but i had too. I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep if i didn't. I Knew that God wanted me too. I knew that i Knew God wanted me too.
I needed to smell that, to remember that. I've been wondering if i was wrong. if i mis-interpreted God. If somehow, I answered a call I didn't receive. But the very outdoors proclaims the Glory of God to me. It reminds me that i spend WAY to much time thinking about MYself. Nature is in a constant state of glorifying God.
That's where I wanna be.
8 years ago