Thursday, January 15, 2009


All the time, I hear people talking about things they wish they could do. Maybe they want to play an instrument, or, Maybe play a sport, or maybe they have a dream they want to realize...

But do they really?

I Told my Parents that I wanted to learn to play violin, but I didn't have access to one to practice on. For Christmas, they Got me a Violin. Now I'm faced with an Ultimatum: Do I really Want to play Violin?

It will Take Effort, Practice, Time, Work... Am I truly Willing? Will I pay the price in order to learn?

In Chapel on tuesday, Juliet told a Marvelous Story about how God Changed her life. However, She changed only when She told God she was Ready. She came to school because she is serious about helping other women.

Did she really want too? Change Hurts. Stuff gets moved around, added, and some even gets removed. It takes alot of time, and alot of effort.

She Really wanted to Change... so she did...

Einstein, Beethoven, Louis Pasteur, Mother Theresa, Martin Luther, And MANY others; all of them REALLY wanted something. So they made changes to their world.

So tell me, Do YOU really want anything?

No...REALLY want something?

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