I'm going to a wedding today. Weddings are funny things. Two people, Two very different people, coming together and making a commitment that no matter what happens, they will love and serve each other. Forever. Thats one of the most unsafe, impractical things I've ever heard of.
So why do people do it? Sex? I'm sure at some level. It is the only way a moral Christian will ever experiance human sexuality. But that's a pretty weak and superficial reason to trade for that commitment.
Fear of Lonliness? I think we're closer, but not quite there. But it does seem great to imagine someone who will always be there with you. Who you never have to say goodnight too. Someone who knows you, and I mean KNOWS you, and still sticks around.
Marriages are funny things. They're like a birth. There is a new creature coming out of the marriage. It's exactly like Jesus and his church. He eagerly awaits, as much as we do, the oneness that will come from reuniting.
Why do I want to get married someday? Sex? Well, yes, but thats only a piece. Lonliness? Of course, but I know that relying on one person too much is a bad idea.
1) I want to be known. I want to share life with someone, with one particular person, in such a way that no one else in my life can compare with.
2) I want to have a partner, someone to love and support me when I need her, and someone for me to pour myself into because she needs me.
3) I want to show a lost and dying world the kind of unconditional love that our God has for every single person on this earth. Its inconcievable to have it for just one person, and God loves everyone.
Aubrey, Curtis, You're about to embark on a grand adventure. it's going to be hard at times, but the thing to remember is why you started the adventure to begin with....
...So you could do it together! :)
8 years ago